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Custom Discount Codes Overview & FAQs
Custom Discount Codes Overview & FAQs

Create personal discount codes for your audience with this Bluethumb Pro Feature.

Eden Young avatar
Written by Eden Young
Updated over a week ago

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What are Custom Discounts?

Custom Discounts are codes that are personally made by and applied to a specific artist's work. Simply create, and share the codes with your community and track their performance analytics in Promoter Tools.

How are Custom Discounts applied?

Collectors simply enter an artist's custom code during the checkout process.

Custom Discounts only apply to the art of the artist that created the discount code (even if the buyer has artwork from others in their cart). Whereas, discount codes provided by Bluethumb (e.g. during a site-wide sale or a trade order) apply to all artists.

Can multiple discounts be applied at once?

In short, no. Buyers can only use one discount at a time when processing their purchase. If collectors have access to more than one discount code or voucher, it’s up to them to decide which one to use.

Who can create Custom Discounts?

Custom Discounts is a feature that is only available to artists with a Bluethumb Pro profile.

Is there a limit on how many discount codes I can create?

There’s no limit to how many unique codes you can create.

Can discount codes be artwork specific?

Not at this time. The custom codes will apply to all of your listed artworks.

How will Custom Discounts affect the artist's payout?

The Custom Discounts are split (70/30) between the artist and Bluethumb, similar to Bluethumb’s discount codes as per our terms and conditions.

How do I create a Custom Discount code?

If you have an active Bluethumb Pro trial or subscription, watch the instructional video or follow the steps below to create a Custom Discount.

  1. Log in to your Bluethumb account

  2. Go to ‘My Dashboard

  3. Locate the ‘Discounts’ icon in the sidebar (top in Mobile)

  4. On the ‘My Discounts' page, click on the ‘Create Discount’ button.

  5. Enter the details of the new discount code, making sure they comply with the Discount Code Guidelines.

  6. Hit Save and that’s it. Easy!

Pro tip: Share the code on your socials, personal website and newsletters. You can create unique tracking links via your Promote Tools dashboard to track where your buyers are coming from. More on that here.

Discount Code Guidelines

To align with Bluethumb’s Promotion and Discount policies, we’ve set a few rules around the creation of custom discount codes. They're as follows:

  1. The maximum discount value cannot exceed 15% of the order value.

  2. Maximum discount use (count) cannot be used more than 100 times

  3. Validity of the discount codes cannot be valid for more than 30 days.

  4. Some discount code names are reserved for use by Bluethumb only

    1. Codes cannot start with BT as Bluethumb’s gift vouchers start with BT.

    2. Codes cannot contain the word ‘Bluethumb’.

    3. Codes can only contain letters, numbers and - .

Suggestions or feedback?

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback, please share your feedback through this feedback form below. This comes directly to the whole team at Bluethumb and will help us make The Home of Australian Artists better than ever.

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