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What are Bluethumb's Terms and Conditions?
What are Bluethumb's Terms and Conditions?

Getting started > where artists can find and review our T&Cs

Edward Hartley avatar
Written by Edward Hartley
Updated over a week ago

Bluethumb offers a user-friendly platform for Australian artists to showcase and sell their artwork to a broad audience, both nationally and internationally.

Listing your artworks is entirely free, and we charge a 33% commission (30% commission plus 3% GST) upon the successful sale of your art.

For a comprehensive understanding of our terms, please visit our Bluethumb Membership Agreement. Additionally, you can find answers to common queries in our FAQs. Make sure to review our T&C’s and Shipping Policy.

If you're considering selling your art, our Artist's Guide provides valuable insights.

For assistance or further inquiries, reach out via the onsite chat or email us at

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