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What is 'Framing Preview"?
What is 'Framing Preview"?

Everything you need to know about this new image tile

Amy Varley avatar
Written by Amy Varley
Updated over a week ago

What is 'Framing Preview'?

We offer our collectors a preview of how their favourite artworks look when they'll be framed with our 'Framing Preview' feature. This uses the 'Framing Preview' image of the artwork to add a frame of their choice around it and show them what it will look like framed.

Why is the “Artwork Only For Previews” photo mandatory?

Bluethumb introduced framing services in 2020 and we use the “Artwork Only For Previews” image when creating these views. The framing preview helps the buyer visualise the work framed, and often helps get the sale across the line. As such we have made this image mandatory for all listings to enable this feature.

This image needs to be the artwork only - no borders, matte or background - to show the buyer a preview of what the artwork looks like framed. Above is a good example.

Please ensure that the image uploaded in this position is not an in-situ or the framing preview does not work. Example below of a bad image using an in situ as the main image.

What kind of image should I upload in the 'Framing Preview' section?

For the best framing and view on the wall previews, the image should show only the artwork - with no borders, matte or background. Here's an example (Something about dead trees by Corinne Young)

Can I update my older listings?

Yes, absolutely.

Simply 'Edit' your older listings and you can update the 'Framing Preview' section for all your artworks.

We expect this update to significantly improve user experience and make their journey of finding the perfect artwork even better.

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