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Auto-schedule Artwork Listings Overview & FAQs
Auto-schedule Artwork Listings Overview & FAQs

Set and forget with the new Auto-schedule Bluethumb Pro feature.

Eden Young avatar
Written by Eden Young
Updated over a week ago

Quick links:

What is Auto-scheduling?

Auto-scheduling is a Bluethumb Pro feature that allows you to create, upload and schedule a listing to be published at a later date. This means less admin time and more art time!

Who can use the Auto-scheduling feature?

Auto-scheduling artwork listing is a feature only available to artists with a Bluethumb Pro profile. Begin your 15-day FREE trial now or subscribe to Bluethumb Pro.

How do I Auto-schedule an artwork listing?

It's simple! Upload your artwork as usual, and instead of publishing now or saving it as a draft, select Publish Later. Add the preferred date and time of your choosing and voila, it's done! See the instructional video below for a visual walk-through.

How does Auto-scheduling affect my reach?

Bluethumb's algorithms encourage and reward regular engagement with your profile, the Auto-scheduling feature will allow you to automate this. We encourage you to upload as many artworks as you wish in one sitting, then stagger their live release.

Can I edit and manually publish the listings I have Auto-scheduled?

Yes, there is no need to delete your listing and start over. You can view, edit and manually publish all your scheduled listings via My Artwork.

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