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How to list artworks when you're self-shipping your artworks/orders (and not using Bluethumb)
How to list artworks when you're self-shipping your artworks/orders (and not using Bluethumb)

a step by step guide on how to list artworks so there's no additional shipping cost allocated for Bluethumb shipping

Kate Revill avatar
Written by Kate Revill
Updated over a week ago

You'll need to be approved by Bluethumb to self-ship all of your orders. To request, please email us at Currently we're only approving artists with a track record of good sales with us with a few exceptions and the approval is case by case basis.

Once you're approved - all new work you list with will have a $0 shipping allocation uploaded. You will need to amend all your existing listings with us to update them to remove the shipping allocation. Once an artwork sells - there won't be a charge for shipping and you can continue to ship your artworks and share the tracking details with Bluethumb so we can keep the clients updated. This will apply to all your listed artworks and orders on Bluethumb.

To amend existing listings please see the video link below:

Note: Please note that once you choose to self-ship works, this applies to all of your orders and artworks. Bluethumb will not be shipping/handling your shipments and ww can only make changes to your shipping profile once every 6 months.

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