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Can I sell framed artwork?
Can I sell framed artwork?

Listing artworks > a short guide to selling framed artworks for Bluethumb artists

Stephen Tschaepe avatar
Written by Stephen Tschaepe
Updated over a week ago

Yes, you can! Framed and ready to hang works are a great option for collectors as it reduces work and effort for them.

If your artwork is already framed, make sure that the listing details reflect this and that you include pictures of the artwork in the frame in the listing.

It's important to note that, while Bluethumb insures your artworks for damages in transit, Bluethumb does not insure glass. If you are selling a glass framed work, you will have to make sure your artwork and frame are sufficiently packaged and take out any insurance you feel is required. Bluethumb will not be able to cover any damage related to broken glass.

We also know that framing is expensive and you wouldn't want to frame all your works prior to sale. This is why framing is an optional addition onsite for collectors to add using our trusted framing partners.

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