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My account is on hold/deactivated. What does this mean?
My account is on hold/deactivated. What does this mean?

Deactivating > reasons for Bluethumb to deactivate your account

Stephen Tschaepe avatar
Written by Stephen Tschaepe
Updated over a week ago

There are a few reasons why your account has been put on hold/deactivated temporarily.

We’ve been trying to get in touch with you

We may have been trying to get in touch with you in relation to an important matter (e.g a sale or a sale enquiry). We do try reaching out several times via different contact methods, but if we are unable to get a response from you after a reasonable time we may temporarily deactivate your account until we hear from you. To avoid this happening please ensure you respond to staff enquiries as quickly as possible, or if you are going to be away from your studio/work for an extended period that you let us know (e.g. Holiday mode or ask us to temp deactivate your account).

You've been inactive on Bluethumb

If you haven't signed in for over 180 days, your account might have been put on hold to avoid issues related to outdated information (e.g. sale of an item which isn't available anymore). We recommend logging into your account at least once every 3-6 months as a minimum to prevent this from happening.

Pricing Inconsistencies

If you've recently received an email from BT team saying your account is temp on hold for pricing inconsistencies - this is nothing to be worried about. It's just to avoid any confusion for collectors.

What it means is your prices on Bluethumb are not the same as your prices on other websites (online marketplaces) and/or your personal website or portfolio. Just get in touch with us and we can activate your account again. You can then update your pricing to make them consistent. This could also be due to your pricing being unexpectedly high or low (e.g. if your works are listed for $100,000, we will put a hold on your account until its verified).

You have personal contact information or external links on your profile

If the email stated the reason for account hold was links/personal info on your profile, this means that you either had links to another website and/or your personal website, or personal info such as contact number or email on your profile (or artwork listings). Just get in touch with the team (reply to the email) and we'll re-activate your account so you can remove those details.

If you need help or any clarification, just let the team know by replying to the email and we can walk you through the concerns.


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