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How do I upload/change a profile picture?
How do I upload/change a profile picture?

Managing your Bluethumb Profile

Stephen Tschaepe avatar
Written by Stephen Tschaepe
Updated over a week ago

How do I upload a profile picture?

Here's a guide on how to upload a profile picture to your account:

  1. Log in to your Bluethumb account.

  2. Navigate to "Edit Profile."

  3. Scroll down to "Profile Information."

  4. Click on "Choose File" and select a photo saved on your device.

  5. Once selected, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save.”

Please make sure that the image:

  • Is in JPEG, JPG, GIF, or PNG file format.

  • Has a file size no larger than 5MB.

How do I change my profile picture?

Follow the same steps as mentioned above, the new file you up load will over ride the old file, and as long as you click "Save" at the very bottom of this page, that will enforce the update.

The image uploaded upside down/sideways?

That's usually an issue with the browser reading the orientation info on the images or the image being saved from the device in the wrong orientation. The best way to solve this is -

  1. It is best to perform the following requirements on a PC/MAC as mobiles have auto-orientation filters on them so it may not work.

  2. Open the images in a system that can allow you to edit the image

  3. Find the option to rotate it and rotate it to the correct orientation

  4. Save it

  5. Now upload it on Bluethumb (or any other site)

You may want to to also check the operating system you are using on your devise is the most recent update, and we strongly recommend using Google Chrome where possible on site for any photo related work (its the best).

Is it important to have a profile picture?

Yes - a strong, professional profile picture reassures collectors that you are a real person, that buying your art is a good idea, and can significantly increase your chances of selling.

Still having trouble? Here's a video showing you how:

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